Did you find everything okay? - Reisverslag uit Los Angeles, Verenigde Staten van Savannah Horst - WaarBenJij.nu Did you find everything okay? - Reisverslag uit Los Angeles, Verenigde Staten van Savannah Horst - WaarBenJij.nu

Did you find everything okay?

Door: Savannah

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Savannah

02 April 2014 | Verenigde Staten, Los Angeles

Walking out of the doors of SFO airport and knowing its gonna be the last time walking out of an airport and not being picked up by loved ones , that was my first thought when I arrived in San Francisco. After a good flight and an almost 24 time difference i finally arrived in America, my very first time. I slept in a great hostel downtown, best part; free pancakes all day long!, they know what a backpacker wants!

What a lovely city San Fran is. I was told that a lot of times so i had really high hopes but SF definitely lived up to it.
First day there and I went straight to Alcatraz, for the people who dont know, Alcatraz is one of America's most famous prisons.
and what a way to start America!
Wowwww, it was so impressive. the audiotour was really good and i was lucky caus they had opened the hospital wing which was horror movie in real life, really awesome.
The following week I just explored San Fran, riding my bike over the bridge, taking boat rides and doing looooooots of shopping.

That probably has been my biggest problem in the USA, the shopping. Not only do they have Ross and Marshalls, to stores who sell brands for cheap, but hey also have all these crazy outlets everywhere. And all the sales girls in the store are so nice, a bit to nice. It's alway; Hey miss how are you today, did you find everything okay and ofcourse; if you need any help just let me know okaaaay?!
so that is why my blog has this title, cause this one question, Did you find everything okay, will be the question I will remember of America forever!

After my adventures in San Fran I continued on to the area of Monterey and Carmel by train. It is so so hard to travel through aAmerica wihtout a car, seriously, this has been the hardest country to backpack in. They only had 2 hostels all the way from SF to LA, isn;t that crazyyyyy! so my advice to you, travel through USA when your 25, then you can actually rent a car without complicated insurance shit, and do it with a group of friends!

Monterey and Carmel were absolutely beautiful, small seaside towns which I absolutely love, good food, still a lot of stuff to do, and not as many homeless people (SF by the way is packed with homeless people, it is unbelievable, i didn't feel very safe there)
Monterey has the most amazing aquarium ever and Carmel is so fancy and posh that they don't even serve ice creams in cones caus they are afraid that you will have a napkin rapped around it and it may fall on the floor, seriously.

After one week here i took the train again and stopped in San Luis Obispo, a really nice town not to far from the sea, with a lovely vibe. I was getting really tired of travelling so I stayed here for a week to and just went to the beach and read a lot. not super exciting.

The next stop was LA, i decided to go to Hollywood first. Holllywood is a bit of a disapointment, is must have been a really fancy and glamorous place once but it isn't anymore. It now is a bit shabby and trashy, which is such a pitty.
from here i took a tour to go to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. It was a Chinese tour and I only wished for someone there to be, just like me, not Chinese. Thank god my prayers were answered and there was a lovely Columbian family who I spent the next three day with. We stayed at a super nice hotel, the Stratosphere, which has the highest towe in whole LV and has attractions on top!

Las Vegas is a crazy place, its really nice for a couple of days and just everything is spectecular, but underneath the surface you know that in the end it's just all about the money.
The Grand Canyon, probably one of my favourite things in my whole trip, it is so extremly beautiful, i could just sit there all day and just look at it. It is truly breathtaking! so happy to have seen it, even if it was only that short.

My last couple of days I spent with Boris and Nina in Venice Beach, which is absolutely amazing and the best place eveeeer for people watching. It was so supeeeer nice to stay with you guys, and it was heeeeerlijk to be an only child for once, I enjoyed it so much! thanks for everything and see you guys in august!!!

So this was my last blog, my trip, my big dreaaaaam, it finally came true and these past 7 months just flew by, i feel so fortunate to have met such amazing people,who I know will be friends for life. I am the luckiest person on earth and to my family, thanks so much for giving me this oppurtunity,
Wow Dr. Phil gave me real good tips on how to write these last sentimental words, hahah

My flight leaves in a few hours and I was in a rush when I wrote this so please forgive me for wrong spelling. I am supeeeer nervous to come home but cant wait at the same time!



  • 03 April 2014 - 01:35


    Lieve Savannah, wat zal iedereen blij zijn dat je weer terug bent! Dank je wel dat ik een beetje met je mee mocht reizen, heb genoten van je blog. Veel plezier met alle weerzien en tot gauw!
    Liefs, Marina x

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